As a sex therapist in Fort Collins who specializes in female sexual therapy, I get a lot of questions about what happens during a typical session. There are a lot of misconceptions about what sex therapy is or is not. One of the main focuses is to practice seeing ourselves as a sexual being, and not a sexual object that exists to fulfill someone else’s desires. Here’s what it looks like to reclaim your sexual self at Reflective Healing.
Understanding Your Enneagram
One of the enneagram numbers is your dominant number, a number that will help you to look at yourself more closely. Some of the characteristics of the numbers are uplifting, and may build your confidence. It may be a source of pride for you. That’s nice and all, but of course it’s not where the growth occurs. The growth occurs in seeing the shadowed aspects of yourself, the parts you may never have been aware of.
Winter: An Invitation to Rest
This season, I want to extend an invitation to you: please, join me in spirit as I seek rest. The purpose of this is not to rest as a means to be more productive at work, or parenting, or your routines. The purpose of resting is to simply rest, for no other reason than that it is your birthright and a crucial salve for your body and mind.